Discover how to live healthily in every respect – primarily through developing a genuinely healthy work / life balance.  Learn how to become more focused, less distracted and consequently, more productive than you ever imagined possible. Watch three very different client testimonials below.

National Coaching Awards Team Coach of the Year 2023
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    Executive Coaching Services that Deliver Results

    After receiving some really helpful coaching years ago as a graduate, I contacted Paul again 2 years ago when I realised I was ready to invest in the next stage of my career. His executive coaching enabled me to accurately assess the opportunities/challenges that were ahead of me. We quickly established a great rapport again and created some real momentum. Within a few months I had gained clarity around the next step for my career, I secured an exciting opportunity with a C-Suite role and Paul continued to provide expert insight and essential accountability. With continued support I had a very successful stint in that role and after just 15 months and due to changing market dynamics an opportunity that I thought was 5 years away came along and I jumped on it. I spun out a team to build a new start-up, we’ve built and launched our first product, raised Pre-seed investment and are poised to take the market by storm. In all this Paul has been my rock and sounding board, helping me assess options and tackling hidden blockers. I cannot recommend him highly enough.

    Simon Ritchie, Founder & CEO, Blox

    Simon Ritchie of Metapraxis

    This is me

    Hi, I’m Paul…

    In 2014, I experienced the breakdown of a long marriage, the failure of a business and the eventual imprisonment in the following year, of my eldest son. For some time, I was extremely concerned that this catastrophic turn of events, in such a relatively short space of time, would not only finish me off as the person I was but also destroy all credibility as a coach.

    Thankfully, despite many, many times, feeling as though all was completely lost, I slowly but surely recovered, and to my wonder and delight, I discovered that far from losing credibility, both new and existing clients were impressed by the resilience I had managed to find, in order to not merely survive but eventually, thrive.

    For me, it was in truth, the most profound and personal experience of the old adage, ‘there but for the grace of God go I…’

    Since then, I went on to receive a renewed sense of gratitude, joy and compassion… and a sense of urgency to see these universal values realised in the lives of others wherever possible…

    What might have taken two weeks, was achieved in six hours!

    Healthy Work/Life Balance

    It is no good performing well at work if your health suffers as a result.  When YOU are ‘healthy’, your work and everyone in your life will benefit and you will be happier.

    Create Time

    If you want to find the Time to Think*, you have to do things differently. To begin with, you have to learn to listen properly. Then, you promise not to interrupt.


    Whatever you focus on becomes a larger part of your vision. The optimum position is to identify and then focus – like never before – on your true priorities.

    I have been working with Paul for more than ten years and, during this time, he has played a key part in supporting my career development as I have taken on roles of increasing responsibility within my organisation. The 1:1 coaching he has provided has not only facilitated my development as a leader but also enabled me to balance the demands both inside and outside of work; achieving a greater balance in my life. Throughout this process, he has constantly challenged me to be brutally honest with myself about my feelings and motivations, forcing me to confront and address the key issues and challenges that I have been facing.

    Mark Robinson

    Mark Robinson CFO International Illumina

    What I Do…

    The clients I work with are extremely busy individuals. Almost invariably, part of the solution to their non-stop schedules is to equip their direct reports and delegate more. Consequently, they will invite me to help them with their teams. This can involve workshop sessions designed to increase trust, teamwork, productivity & overall effectiveness. One team I worked with in Brussels, confirmed that 85% of them had experienced significant improvement in their day to day productivity as a result of the two day workshop I ran.

    1:1 Executive Coaching

    In normal times, this comprises a bi-monthly face to face session that alternates with a phone call catch up. Since the advent of less normal times, I use Zoom or a walk together wherever possible.

    Leadership Development

    Genuine Leadership Development is crucial when it comes to experiencing real growth. The Time to Grow workshops I have facilitated with leaders and their teams have generated lasting results and measurable improvement in overall effectiveness.

    Young Leaders

    I love to come alongside young leaders and equip them with the skills they will need to run the race. If they are to be successful, their career needs to be treated as a marathon not a sprint, . This is the closest I come to merging executive coaching with mentoring, as I share whatever wisdom and knowledge I may have that will help them to avoid the mistakes I made and go on to make a lasting impact on the world.

    Team Days

    One full day or more – depending on the event – where I come in to help with team-building, group coaching, deep listening, time-blocking and other skills designed to enhance the performance of the team as a whole.

    International Workshops

    Working alongside a senior associate of mine with experience of interventions across Eastern Europe, we have developed a series of interactive workshops designed to develop emerging leaders as well as create a culture of transformation and growth.

    Motivational Speaking

    Occasionally, I get invited to speak publicly about specific subjects such as The Psychology of Sales, Reasons to Do Coaching, 1,2,3. I also get asked to share some of my personal experiences around divorce, separation and recovery, and other traumatic trials that I call Thriving Not Merely Surviving.

    I got so much out of the initial call with Paul. He helped me to clarify my thoughts and begin the journey of focussing on what was truly important; or put another way, doing more of what I needed to do and less of what I didn’t need to worry about.
    Ali Barker, EMEA Finance Director, RoC Skincare

    “The impact of coaching sessions with Paul is immediate. You are at once able to focus on the key areas that are holding you back from realising your full potential.”


    Barry Hampson

    founder, nuvo
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