As this year draws to a close and the New Year is soon to dawn, many people will be reflecting back on what they achieved, who they met, where they travelled perhaps?
Others will be thankful for how they survived horrific circumstances. We remember all those caught up in war in Ukraine, for example.
The vast majority of us, I suspect, irrespective of how much we genuinely achieved, will be wondering why we didn’t achieve some of the things we wrote down as goals for 2022.
Unless you’ve completely changed your mind about them, I would encourage you to take those things you did not manage to achieve this year and put them at the top of your list of goals for 2023.
One of my own goals that I did achieve in 2022 was to invite a small group of men to come away with me for a weekend.
The purpose of this weekend was to get away from the constant noise of work, business, and yes, family responsibilities.
It was also to take some time out together and reflect on how far we have come. A question I posed to all of us – myself included – to help this aspect of the weekend was…
How Did I Get Here?
This was simply a device to enable all of us to hear each other’s story in as much or as little detail as people chose to reveal.
The second question was…
How Do I Get There?
For each man, the word there could have meant several different things and it was my pure delight and privilege to facilitate some heartfelt, vulnerable discussions about how we each might get there.
So, my question for you, dear reader, as yet another extraordinary year draws to a close, is…
What does there mean for you?

Where is there, for you?
How might you get to there?
Sometimes, more often than most of us care to admit, getting there takes a lot longer than we had hoped.
That dream, desire of mine, that became a goal this year to gather some men together has been bubbling away in my heart for many years. A couple of different clients I had mentioned it to began to ask a while ago, “When are you going to actually do it then?”
That was the final push I needed to do everything i could to make it happen.
Perhaps you need to find just one person to share your aspirational goal with in order to make yourself accountable as you turn it into a fully-fledged SMART* goal that you are going to aim for with true intentionality.
That way, you will have instantly given yourself a much better chance of finally getting there…
Wherever that is for you.
Until next time, be blessed to be a blessing!